Drug free treatment
Hypnotherapy is a highly-effective drug-free approach to resolving the psycho-emotional issues being marketed to us by the pharmaceutical industry, such as anxiety, panic attacks, depression and insomnia — but without side effects!
With hypnotherapy, you can often achieve your emotional goals quickly and safely whilst also gaining an understanding of where depressive or anxiety inducing feelings are coming from - and how to transform them. This allows people more options rather than the over reliance on long term medication and puts you in a more informed position about what treatment to chose.
Hypnotherapy endorsements
The British Psychological Society and the American Psychological Association both endorse hypnosis.
Psychology Today UK endorses hypnosis as a genuine psychological phenomenon.
In 2008, The National Institute for Care Excellence (NICE) recommend hypnotherapy as a treatment for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).
Since 1995, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) has recommended hypnotherapy as a treatment for anxiety, smoking cessation and several medical conditions.
Cancer Research UK also endorses hypnotherapy for relaxing and coping with symptoms.
Beat NHS waiting lists
In February 2022 The Guardian reported that Millions in England face ‘second pandemic’ of mental health issues.
The Covid crisis sparked a dramatic rise in the numbers of people experiencing mental health problems, with 1.6 million waiting for specialised treatment and another 8 million who cannot get on the waiting list but would benefit from support, the heads of the NHS Confederation and the Royal College of Psychiatrists state.
With private hypnotherapy sessions there's no need to wait to get help with your mental health.

What are the differences between hypnotherapy and meditation?
When you go deep in to yourself you begin the journey of freeing yourself of old limiting beliefs and attitudes you picked up from your parents, your teachers, your society, your culture, your religion and some from your direct experiences - some of which you might rightly think of as trauma.
The first step on a healing journey is to learn the methods of looking within. Whilst meditation teaches you to disconnect from your thoughts, hypnotherapy teaches you to dive deep within yourself and those thoughts to discover what is happening in your subconscious mind - which by the way, runs you completely - and is a great force within you waiting to be harnessed.
As you transform internally, you experience true freedom from within, freeing yourself from the external hamster wheel of seeking external validation and external accumulation.